Wednesday 26 September 2012

Going Out to The Zoo

When we think of going out during the weekend, usually we would chose to go to a convenient place, such as malls. However, it is also possible to think of having fun in the park or zoo. There are a lot of new things we could see in the zoo. 

Also, the zoo can be visited by various generations of people – which mean babies, children, teenagers, students, adults, and even grandmothers and grandfathers can even go to the zoo!


Going out to the zoo can be accompanied by a group of friends and/or with family too. We can see a lot of animals interacting with each other, and we can find out a lot of interesting facts about the animal itself, and even, we could also feed the animals. 

We do not have to worry about time when we go to the zoo. We can relax while we walk around the zoo and we can take our time to enjoy seeing the animals. By going to the zoo, we can see a lot of animals and we can add more knowledge about animals. Going out to the zoo does not only fill our weekend schedules, but it also entertains and educates us.

Written By: Agatha Leovina


Beware of Crimes!

Crime is an act of violence that someone does just for something they desire. Every day we are threatened with rumors and news about crime. As an example – such as robbery, murder, theft, rape, etc. even now, there are a lot of rapes that occur in public transport. Ironically, they barely hesitate to kill the victim. So, we should be careful if we are going to use the public transport. We have to look for a public transport which has many passengers. Everyone should be aware of this, because now, crime occurs everywhere.
 Crime can also be triggered by economic problems. The economical decrease improves the chance for them to do a criminal. Even many children who are properly educated have become perpetrators of theft and problem of poor economic. If the economy in our country is better, then the security would be better and there would be less chance of crime to occur.
It is hard to believe that, even though the perpetrators go to the jail, they do not feel wary. They consider that stealing is an occupation to provide their families.

People could be a criminal either because they do not have proper job or they are lazy to work. Unfortunately, they had no mercy when they violate the public and they won’t care about others as long as it makes profits to them. The media needs to promote postal security environment again in order to make people aware of the unexpected crime in an unexpected places. It is also important to notice whether things that we bring outside or things we used outside did not attract many people, or else, crime may take place.

Written By: Fenisia Lauwonto

Beware of Trafficking!

It is sad but true – nowadays, the amount of crime acts in the world has been constantly increasing. People dare to hurt and violate others – even in public – only to get what they want. Stealing, murder, corruption, bank robs, illegal trading, etc. happens more and more frequently, especially for the crimes that torture and abandon the victim’s human rights. Those crimes should be banned and should be given strict laws and sanction for the criminals.
One of the examples of crimes which torture and abandon human rights – and also is in the verge of crime trend – is trafficking. Trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. To make it simple, trafficking can be said to be ‘modern day slavery’.

In the case of trafficking, the criminal would form a team that consist of people from different cities or even from different countries – they tricked innocent people in the streets by offering jobs that seems ensuring the future, or even the criminal would kidnap the victim without even letting the victim have a chance of running away, and of course they intend to send him/her to a place they didn’t know and ‘sell’ him/her to someone they don’t know. Then, the victim is forced to work for someone who the criminal worked with, without even a payment – and all the money goes to the criminals.
In order to prevent trafficking to happen to us, we have to avoid walking alone in a narrow, abandoned street. We have to be aware of the situations of the place we went to. Make sure that we have quite many friends to accompany us when we go out, especially for girls. Also, it is better to avoid talking to strangers who approached us, strangely being nice to us. 

Written By: Agatha Leovina

Going Out to The Market

If we discuss about “going out”, we usually assumed that it is about going to the supermarket or traditional market. However, I prefer to go to the supermarket because supermarket is a very clean place and they offer complete stocks of foods and daily things we need and the things are organized neatly and properly. We can easily find the things that we want. 

Usually, people who live in the city prefer to go to the supermarket rather than going to the traditional market. This may be because people still consider bargaining to the traders in open markets and they are concerned about the unhygienic quality of the foods and things there.

Other than going only to the supermarket itself, some people would prefer to go to the supermarket located in some malls to buy things. Why is this so? – Because malls have a lot of shopping center and many other stores to visit, so people can spend time more effectively and also, they could spend time with their families not only in the supermarket, but may be in various stores – such as department stores, too.

Supermarkets are now constantly growing markets in big cities, which can also be said to be a threat to the traditional markets. However it is good to know that there are still quite many people who went to the traditional markets. Some people went to the traditional markets in order to offer cheaper price to get the things they needed – this brings out a unique and dynamic marketing in the country. So, make sure we visit both of the markets while we have the time to go out!

Written By: Fenisia Lauwonto

Traveling Inspirations

Traveling is one of the most fun things to do during holidays – it is a great choice for holidays. Traveling helps us to kill time and to have fun activities or new experiences in our spare time. Though traveling has been a habit for some people, it may still be a wonderful thing to do. We can see a lot of new things that we couldn’t find in our own city, or even in our country. 
 Usually, the most preferable travel plan is to visit other countries. In other countries, there are a lot of things that we can observe. Things like situations, weather and climate, streets, people, and places – or even airport, can be really unexpected. When we travel to other countries, there are a lot of important things to remember, such as how the people interact, how the country is managed, the public transportation and the nature which made the country unique.  Shopping in other countries is also recommended because there are a lot of things we couldn’t find in our country. Last but not least, taking a photo is very important – to create memories!

Traveling to other cities can also be a great experience and adventure. We can see a lot of things similar but unique from other cities. We can also learn about how the culture is modified in each area.  However, whether we are traveling to other cities or countries, we still have to be aware of the travel safety. We have to choose the right travel plan from a safe and trusted tour agent. It is also necessary for us to prepare the things we need during traveling properly and be aware of the things we carry during traveling.

Written By: Agatha Leovina

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Traveling on Holidays

 Every end of the year or on a school holiday, our family would spare some of their time to go for a family vacation. There are times when parents decided to spend their holidays overseas with their children. The transports that we usually used to travel are bus, taxi, and train. Normally when we travel with those public transportation, the cost would be very cheap. Some people would think if overseas holidays are a waste of money, but our family does not think so – because traveling can expand insight about our neighboring countries.

We can get many things as a benefit, for example – transportation. In other countries, we can see how neatly the traffics are managed, and it is different compared to the view of the street in our city. In developed countries, we do not see any sticking everywhere. All streets in there are arranged properly. They also have a good transportation, such as electric trains in underground. They can organize urban spatial structure well, while in our country there is sticking everywhere and also there are many traders who opened a small shop at the sidewalks. 

Hopefully our country can become a developed country, the same way as other countries. It is also good if our country can reduce the numbers of cars, so that our country can reduce pollution. So, to hold a trip remotely like traveling out of the country can improve our insight on how we apply our politeness and discipline in life.

Written By: Fenisia Lauwonto