Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Enough Sleep for a Better Health

As we know that nowadays, people are becoming busier that they even cut off their time to sleep. Some are used to work all-night long, and some are used to sleep only for a few hours. Even a lot of teenagers dare to cut off their time to sleep only to play video games and online games or to do home works and to study for the examinations.

 There are various thoughts that made people dare not to sleep. Some people thought that as long as they sleep for a few hours, it will not affect their health. Those who are daily caffeine consumers thought that drinking caffeine early in the evening would not affect their sleeping habits. Some teenagers would think that it is okay to sleep only for a few hours when it’s week days, while in the week ends, they would sleep as much as possible.

In fact, we all need a proper sleep in order to be healthy and fit. Our body needs enough time to take a rest after so many activities. If we have bad sleeping habits (lack of sleep / sleeping late at night), later on we could have problems in falling asleep, or worse, having insomnia. Drinking caffeine early in the evening is not good because it increases the possibility of having problems in falling asleep. In order to have a good sleeping habit, we have to schedule our sleep and we have to at least sleep for 8 hours. 

Written By: Agatha Leovina

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